opk Submarine 9

OPK Submarine 9 is a sliding door system for furniture and shelving systems.

Due to its flexible application possibilities, it is also ideal for traditional crafts.

OPK Submarine 9 can also be retrofitted, with no need to make any milling on the cabinet body.

The both sides damping with tumbler is integrated in the running track and thus invisible.

Email: chryso@opk.cc

Tel: 8676022256657

Whatsapp: 8618938779525

Zipper closure 1/4 zip athletic pullovers for men. Stretchy, lightweight, fast-drying fabric for superior performance. REGULAR FIT - US standard sizes. An athletic fit that sits close to the body for a wide range of motion, designed for optimal performance and all day comfort. FEATURES - Quarter zip closure;Thumbholes on long sleeves to keep them in place during workout
Product Description

Door hieght

max. 2200mm

Door width

max. 1800mm

Door thickness


Door weight


Height adjustment



with both sides





OPK Submarine 9 is a sliding door system for furniture and shelving systems.

Due to its flexible application possibilities, it is also ideal for traditional crafts.

OPK Submarine 9 can also be retrofitted, with no need to make any milling on the cabinet body.

The both sides damping with tumbler is integrated in the running track and thus invisible.


The advantages at a glance

One for all

Different construction variants possible

Submarine 9, wooden doors thickness 16-25 mm

Easy, fast, tool-free installation, comfortable height adjustment of the fronts

Both sides, invisible damping 15 / 30 kg for minimum installation width and fixable end position

Closure / fixation of the end position possible without damping


Office, kitchen, bathroom

Living, eating, bedroom


Upper and lower cabinets

  • Tested according to SGS-CSTC    EN 15706:2009  Level 3